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Chartiers Valley Yearbook Project

We've scanned hundreds of yearbooks across 13 schools in the Chartiers Valley area. They're available online for all to enjoy, for free.

Yearbook Project

Ready to view the yearbooks in our digital collection? Click the Schools dropdown in the navigation bar, and then select the desired school. Yearbooks are always listed on the individual page for each school's history.

  • Project Dates

    2/2024 - 9/2024


  • Alan Welding from Chartiers Valley for allowing us to borrow the district's entire collection of yearbooks. These dated back to Scott Township's and Bridgeville in 1925. Without this starting point, we wouldn't have been able to even begin this project. Thank you so, so much.
  • Bridgeville Historical Society for their endless kindness, support, and welcoming us throughout this project. They heard of our project and immediately said yes. They allowed us to borrow the collection, take over areas of their building for hours at a time, and welcomed us like we were family. It was such a special experience getting to know them. I highly recommend checking out their website and visting in person.
  • Rebecca Forkner and Kathy Connolly of the Chartiers Valley Primary School for allowing us to access the PS' collection of yearbooks and their personal collections from their tenure. Kathy would often transport yearbooks and meet us midway. We cannot thank the both of you enough.
  • Leanne Mclean and Sara Benis of the Chartiers Valley Middle School for allowing us access to the MS' collection of yearbooks and allowing us to purchase forthcoming yearbooks for scanning and donation to local historical organizations.
  • Sarah Koons of the Chartiers Valley High School for granting us permission for HS yearbooks and allowing us to purchase forthcoming yearbooks for scanning and donation to local historical organizations.
  • Frank Zissis of the Chartiers Valley Intermediate School for allowing us to acces the IS' collection of yearbooks.
  • Marc Hubert of the Chartiers Valley Intermediate School for helping us track down missing IS yearbooks and allowing us to borrow them. We wouldn't have been able to 100% complete the IS collection without you!
  • Robert Mack of the Chartiers Valley Primary School for allowing us to borrow personal copies of PS yearbooks to complete our collection.
  • Kevin Trinchtinger of Bower Hill Fire Department for allowing us to borrow their personal Scott Township junior high school yearbooks and providing an incredibly detailed history of the schools in the area.
  • Michael C. Murphy, Allison Grab, JAnice Marburger, Taryn Briggs, Chris Ralich, Matthew Flowers, Emily Marko, Elaine Ford, Michaela Pilz, The Gerrero Family, Alicia Guarnaccio, and everyone else from the community who responded to our Facebook posts and allowed us to borrow their personal yearbooks to complete our collection.
  • Jennifer Ott of the PA House of Representatives for their assistance in locating Pennsylvania law scans back from the 1800s.
  • Aaron McWilliams of the Pennsylvania State Archives for their assistance in locating the 30 boxes of documents from the 1960 reorganization period. We'd have 0 information if it wasn't for your knowledge of which collections to search. Thank you so very much.